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Tips for Re-entering the Workforce after a Career Break (or job searching in general)
Ok, ok, so maybe you haven't even taken a career break yet, why are we thinking about going back to work?
You can put yourself in an excellent position to re-enter the workforce by doing a few things before you even...
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Career Break Story: Finding Passion and Healing a Relationship and Finances with Karen Yates
Welcome to the first interview episode of the season!
Today my guest is Karen Yates.
Karen left her chemistry career of 20 years after she and her husband realized that they really wanted to spend more time with each...
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Career Break Story: Burnt Out Investment Banker to Travel Company Founder with Jen Tenzer of The Soloist
My guest today is Jen Tenzer of the Soloist. Jen, like so many of us, became burnt out and checked out and resented going to work everyday as an investment banker. She decided to travel to clear her head and give...
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Career Break Story: Off the Beaten Path with Katie Aune
Today I am excited to bring you a very special interview with my guest Katie Aune. Katie and I actually talk Career Breaks on a weekly basis over on clubhouse (Thursdays at 5pm Eastern). Katie took a chance to seize...
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Resume Gap and Career Break Conversations with a Hiring Manager ft. Carl Cronstedt
Today’s episode is a unique one! I often hear people are nervous about a gap on their resume and they use that as an excuse not to take a break, pursue a passion, or go after their dreams. So. I decided to bring on my...
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Career Break Story: Overcoming the "Work to Travel" Mentality with Robin Finney
Robin Finney's story is SO relatable! She had a great job and team, but there was something inside of her telling her there is more out there for her. She finally got clarity during a meditation retreat in 2017 and...
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Career Break Story: Early Retirement, Becoming Nomads, and Racing across the Globe with Tony Copeland-Parker
My guest today brings a unique angle to departing the workforce. Due to some medical news, Tony Copeland-Parker and his wife Catherine made the decision to retire early and make the most of their new found time. Since...
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Career Break Story: Escaping your Comfort Zone to Travel the World with Kristina Sym
I am so excited to share my interview with my friend Kristina Sym. Her story is very relatable. She worked for the same company with the same routine for over 10 years. She felt the need for more. The difference in...
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Career Break Story: Letting Go So You Can Have It All with Valery Parham
Welcome to another fabulous interview episode with my guest Valery Parham.
In 2018, Valery made one of her big dreams become a reality when she took a 6-month, solo, round the world trip. By following through with her...
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Career Break Story: Leaving Attorney Life for a Family Roadtrip Around the US with Carmelita Tiu
Carmelita Tiu (aka Millie or Cat), is passionate about doing good in the world and raising her kids to become good adults. She's a podcaster, creative, lawyer, educator, spouse, and mom to two daughters. After...
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Career Break Story: From Corporate Hustler to Full-time Travel Blogger with Sam Opp
Sam wasn't always a full-time traveler and content creator. In fact, she worked in marketing for Canon and had those familiar feelings of wishing for more. After months and months of convincing her husband, they both...
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Career Break Bootcamp Story with student Ryan
Ryan was a student in the beta round of my signature course, Career Break Bootcamp. His career break dream is finally coming to fruition at the end of this month and we talk all about it on this episode.
Plus, he...
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