Planning a Long-term Trip or Career Break to Travel

Season #1 Episode #11

Planning for a long-term trip or career break is completely different than planning for a vacation. It is entirely too time consuming plan every single day, not to mention, you're not sure how you'll feel by, say, month three, plus it's important to leave room for spontaneity.

In this episode I give tips on how to think about the type of traveler you are and how to determine where to go. These are things that will impact budget. Knowing the type of traveler you are and being honest with yourself about it is key to a successful trip. There is no sense suffering night after night in a hostel dorm just to save money if you truly hate it. We plan so we can budget and save, so you can design your break on your terms!

If you learned something about planning a career break, be sure to tag me @thetravelshifters on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word. Also, if you liked what you heard, please leave a review on Apple podcasts; it would mean a lot! See you in the next episode!

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